25 February 2008

Monday, February 25, 2008

Greetings to all:

I hope that everyone is well today and is having a positive day thus far and will have through out the rest of the day.

As well as being a “dog lover” I am also a “deer watcher and lover” and so was Marty. Well guess what! I just came off of about a half hour of “deer watching”, so you know how I am feeling right now. All of God’s creation is so awesome, and I just get a great deal of enjoyment out of watching deer. Their coat blends in the woods so well that sometimes it is a real challenge to follow them. They can stand so still for so long it just really seems unbelievable. Today there were about four of them in an area where I had put some food for them, and it seems like they were enjoying it – praise the Lord! I also have a corn block out for them that is up closer to the house, but I missed them when they were at it. I am sure from the way they were moving in the woods that they had been to it but I just didn’t see them. I also love it when they hear Buddy bark. They look up and see him and I think they just think “O, it is just him.” and go right on eating. Buddy sure doesn’t seem to bother them. I think they have learned that he cannot get out into the woods. God is so good – all the time! All the time – God is so good. What an awesome God to have created the creation that He did. Praise the Lord!

Well the week-end was busy, but went very well. Praise the Lord! I was very pleased that 11 people came to the class yesterday on dying, death, and grief. I dealt mainly with dying and things that really need to be done even before we might find out we are dying and then especially when we do learn that is happening to our bodies. One of the keys to the whole thing is that we really need to think and TALK about the way we are going to die. The one thing that we do know for sure is that we are born to die, so rather than talking all around it we need to talk right to that fact, have things in order, and help our loved ones and family to bring closer in a peaceful and orderly way. If you wonder what I mean by all that come to the class next week and you will learn more.

This is “Jack’s Dispatch” to talk about my ministry and it was a lot like I though it would be yesterday that God pulled out a number of examples to share with those gathered about the important aspects of dying that I was sharing. Some of them went all the way back into the ‘70’s while others were as fresh as just a few weeks ago. The other really interesting thing is that as I shared my out line with the Spiritual Development Team, Judy our Christian Educator, shared with me her APCE magazine that she had just received, and guess what it was all about. You got it – dying and death. What has been so awesome is that it has supported everything that I had on the out line. So I guess that my education, 38 years of ministry, 200+ death messages delivered with law enforcement, 340 times ministering with families and doing funerals, has taught me something and has had the right elements in it. Praise the Lord!

Well here we go again. I just got on to talk a little about the deer and have gotten off into something else and gone on and on. I guess that it goes along with that old saying of don’t let a preacher talk or you will be there for an hour. Maybe we will have to add to that not to let a preacher on the blog or you will be reading for a while. Whatever!

I hope to get a lot done around the house today, since it is my day off, but if I don’t soon get busy it sure isn’t going to happen. For some reason or another it just doesn’t do itself and Buddy seems to be too busy with his “job” of watching the neighborhood out of the bedroom window to do any of it and/or to even help. So I will sign off for now, push the spell check key and hope for the best.

Have a positive day, take care, and God bless.

Romans 8:28

22 February 2008

Good morning!

I have not put a morning blog on for a long time, but I was just sitting here doing some devotions and meditation, looking out the back window into the woods (wanting to be on the sun porch but it is too cold) and at the ground so pretty with the new dusting of a couple inches of snow and thought “you have to express your feelings on the blog”. God is so good – all the time! All the time – God is so good. Praise the Lord! Thank you, Lord!

God and God’s creation is so awesome. As I look at the white ground this morning I think of the purity of God, the perfection of God, the grace and love of God. And as I look at Buddy’s paw prints, my foot prints, and the tire tracks it makes me think of the way that God allows us, creates us to be a part of the awesome creation of His. There are some many ways that we leave our mark on His awesome creation – some good and some not so good. It has also made me think about the way in which we shovel and plow His purity, perfection, grace, and love out of the way. Of course, that particular symbolism has its good points and its bad points, I guess. Or at least we feel it has its bad points because we could slip and fall or have an auto crash and get hurt or killed and that is why we move it out of our way. But on the other hand is that a way that God is trying to tell us to slow down and enjoy Him and His creation? It seems that we get so involved in the business of our day, and trying to be successful in our materialistic world that we miss so much of the spiritual aspect that God has given us as well. Of this I am as guilt as anyone! Yes, I try to take some time each morning and each evening to be with God, and some times during the day, especially when I am driving, to have those special times. But now that I am spending most of my evenings at the office, and being involved in ministry 10 to 14 hours a day, it doesn’t seem right. What do you think, is that a place where we are going wrong in our society? Even when we include God in those things, are they more important than our personal relationship with God?

God is being so good to me, I feel His presence with me, but I am still trying to avoid too much of the loneness. It is certainly a new experience that I am finding not the easiest thing to get use to – but I am doing better, I do believe. As I have talked with a number of people, Marty and I were such a team. It was so awesome that she was a Christian, a believer, a disciple, a wonderful child of God’s before she ever came into my life and me into hers. And when that happened there was no question in my mind that it was indeed a “God thing.” Just this week I again had someone say that Marty filled the picture of what they imaged as the “perfect pastor’s wife.” Praise the Lord! What an awesome legacy to leave. But what is even more awesome it that it was true. Marty was not “pushy” but she was a “presence”. A presence of love, helpfulness, grace, a ear to listen, a shoulder to cry on or with, a fun person to be around, a servant of the Lord’s. And what was also so great in our team effort was that she knew me, she knew how to help me, and to not push the limits. What a wonderful friend, wife, mother, daughter, sister, nurse, child of God’s! I praise God that I can know where she is, and that as I get closer to Him I can be close to her, and that He is with me and helping me in making the transition. Thank you Lord!

I really had no idea that this is where God was going to take me this morning; I thought that I was just going to comment on the beautiful picture of God’s creation out the back window. But again God had other ideas! Praise the Lord! I do need to move on and see what else He has in store for me this day. So I hope that you have a positive day, feeling God’s presence, taking care, and being blessed.

Romans 8:28

13 February 2008

Greetings to all:

It has been a long time since I have published and I do not even know if anyone is still looking at the blog. Further more a lot has happened since 01.04.08 when I believe it was the last that I published. I will be the very first to admit that January was a very difficult month, even more than I ever expected. I have come to the underestanding that grief in our society is "very cold." And I do not just mean the weather outside, but I mean the emotions inside and the new rela-tionships that have to be formed. I personally am finding it to be a "very cold" and difficult process and as I touch base with others they are telling me the same thing. I am getting this from people who's spouce died as much as 18 months ago, and even 3 years ago.

Why is this? I am still reading, thinking, and working on that answer, but I believe that the biggest part of it has to do with our society and the desire to not talk about dying, death and grief. I therefore have felt God calling me to talk more about this and try to help people under-stand that if we talked more about it we would better understand and it would go better. So beginning on Sunday, February 24 and for the next three Sundays at 3:30pm I am going to do a class on Dying, Death and Grief. I really believe that God is calling me to do this and is and will help me to get it all together. Praise the Lord!

So now how am I doing? I know that I am doing better than January and feel that over all I am making progress but I still have a way to go. It certainly is not an easy road, and certainly the most difficult grief road that I have been down, but I continue to Praise the Lord becasue I know that God is with me and is guiding me and helping me all the way. God is good - all the time! All the time - God is good! My ability to fold clothes in an orderly way after they have been washed is improving each week. My cooking is coming right along. Marty and I had dinner with four other couples about every four to six weeks. And just a few weeks ago I had them here and fixed the meat, patato, and vegetable everybody ate it, said it was very good and to the best of my knowledge no one got sick. I guess I would have to say that my two biggest down falls so far have been keeping Marty's birds feeders full and her plants watered on time. I really am not sure what it is, but I always seem to get behind on those things. I think I have only killed one plant so far, so actually I guess that is not to bad - and I must say that it was not doing to well when I took over.

Well, I just felt the need to pubish something this morning and though there is more that I could say, now I am feeling the need to get to bed. So I am going to sign off for now, and I will see if I can not get back on again sooner.

Have a positive day, take care, and God bless.

Jack Hess
Romans 8:28

PS For some reason the spell check did not work, so you better believe that I am not going to take credit for any words that may be miss spilled - it is without a doubt the computor's fault. I guess I better go back to the way I use to do it, which was to write in word perfect and then move it over to the blog. Proof again that trying to take the short cut, is not always the best way. So here is hoping that I have caught most of the type-o-s and miss spellings. God bless!