24 December 2007

Monday Night December 24, 2007


Well if you read the last published post you saw that I did not even have the right day and date. At least tonight I believe that I got that much right but who knows what I might get wrong.

Now I want to say Merry Christmas to all, and I do hope that it is a very meaningful one for all of you. I know that it will be a hard one for me, but has already been good. Our service tonight was not well attended, I am not sure why, but I found the Lord speaking to me and felt the Holy Spirit. That part of it was indeed awesome. The message that God gave me for tonight and for this Christmas is the need for a personal relationship with God and it is the birth of Christ, Christmas, that really allows us to do that. How very awesome it is that in order for God to show us His unconditional LOVE He became one of us. That is true identification so that we can know Him and become close to Him. Praise the Lord! God is so good - all the time! All the time - God is so good. The past year and a half God has been so close to me, and was to Marty, and it has just been awesome.

Our Spiritual Development Team and Session choose not to have an 11:15pm service tonight, so I am going to go across the street to the United Methodist Church for the late service there. And since it is now 11:00pm I think I better close and get going.

Merry Christmas, take care, and God bless. Luke 1:37

Romans 8:28

22 December 2007

Saturday, December 23, 2007


Sorry it is has been so long since I was last on. It has been a busy couple of week and I guess I just didn't realize how long it has been. At any rate when asked how I am doing my answer is
BLESSED, tired, and lonely and that about covers it.

God is so good - all the time! All the time - God is so good. God has been with me and helping me all along the way. I have run into Him in a number of different people and heard from Him from a number of different people via the inter net and mail. At the same time when I have gotten home I have been tired and not done much but crash.

As a side line and for your information. One of the things that I have found is that it is hard for most people to talk about death and to mention to me Marty's death. There have been those who will comment that "The holidays are a hard time." but don't go on with any talk about why. One of the first thing that we are taught and teach in CISM (Critical Incident Stress Mange-ment is that you have to talk about the incident, you have to get it out, if you keep it in it will hurt more and cause more problems. Yes, talking about it can cause tears, but that is not all bad. I just got back from the door and a neighbor bringing me a cheese ball and Christmas greeting and I wiped away the tears. But Praise the Lord what a blessing it was as we talked about Marty and the neighbors mother who died three years ago. I was going to keep this short so I will not go on with this, but encourage you to think about it when you have the time, and if you would like to talk about it let me know.

Praise the Lord! At church we help several families at Christmas time and last night we had the party to which we invite them and give the gifts to the parents while the children are hearing the Bible Christmas story from Santa. It was a great time. The Sharing the Good News Team did a great job. The kids I do believe had a great time, and the parents seemed to enjoy them-selves as well. Santa also had a good time. Of course, our Santa is a member of the church and always has fun. On Friday he delivered Meals on Wheels as Santa, then in the afternoon he visited a 93 year old who had never had a visit from Santa, and then our program Friday evening. What a blessing for all who were involved, Praise the Lord!

This afternoon I have to go out and hopefully finish my shopping. This year I have not waited until the 24th because it is a little different to shop for 7 rather than just one. In fact last Mon-day I went over to Defiance and Erin and Eric helped me do what shopping I have done. And since they are coming over Christmas Day and Jennifer, Travis and boys will not be here until late on the 26th Erin is going to help me wrap gifts on the 26th. On the 25th we be down at church helping with the Christmas Dinner for the Community that we will be hosting for the 8th year. Last year Marty and I did not get to help because we had to go to Indy for blood for her. So it will be good to get back in the swing of doing it.

Actually I am sure that for all of us these next few days will be very busy, but lets not forget the real reason for the season. If it were not for God's gift to us of Jesus Christ to show us the way, and His death on the cross for yours and mine and Marty's salvation we would certainly not have the life that we do. Praise the Lord! Jesus is the Reason for the Season and because of that I am BLESSED and give God thanks. And besides that He gives me the ways to deal with the tiredness and loneliness when I do things His way and not my own way. Praise the Lord!

I have to move on, so have a positive, meaningful day, take care, and God bless.

Romans 8:28

06 December 2007

Thursday Night


Just got home and thought I would say that I am doing fine and God is good. This has been a good week and I am grateful for that. Praise the Lord! It sure has been a busy week but I am so blessed by the way God is functioning in my life. God knows when I need something and is providing it in my life.

Today was a Presbytery Committee on Ministry meeting and it was a difficult meeting with a number of tough issues to discuss, but there was absolutely no question that God was with us and helped us discern His will. Praise the Lord!!

The last two nights have been rather short so I want to try to get a little more sleep tonight. I do have a 9:15 am breakfast with a couple of the members of the church. I am looking forward to it as it is always fun when we do this.

Do take care and God bless. Have a positive day and keep the faith.

Romans 8:28

03 December 2007

Monday Evening 10:45 pm

Greetings to all!

Every time I think I will just publish a short dispatch it turns out longer than the last. So though I want this to be short, so I can get to bed, I am not saying that or thinking that and maybe it will happen. Then again maybe it will not happen.

I am positive, praise the Lord, how are you doing? I am so excited that last Friday I got an email from an friend that use to be in Huntington when we were there, that found me on the internet and found the blogs. What a wonderful surprise it was to hear from them. Thanks a lot to you two in New Harmony, so good to hear from you.

Eric and Erin were over for the week-end and we had a pretty busy time. Sunday after worship and a carry-in lunch at church, we went out to the State Police Post where there was a Christmas Party for the kids. It was great – praise the Lord! They had crafts for the kids to do, of course Santa talked to each one of the kids, and there were lots of snacks to eat. It was a fun time for all. Erin even decorated a special cookie for me that she gave me when they left for home.

Of course while that was going on the TV had the Colts game, so a lot of us were making many trips to the kitchen and/or the radio room to see what was happening. We got home to watch the last part of the 4th quarter. Way to go Colts!!!!!!!!!! All the way Colts!!!!

About a month ago Eric got a new truck, the first new car or truck that he has ever had. It is a Chevy 4X4 diesel extended cab and on his way home Sunday night he had a deer run in front of him, and of course he could not miss it. The good thing is that they were not hurt, praise the Lord, and the damage was only about $1,100. Thank you Lord. I feel so bad for Eric because the truck did not even have 3000 miles on it. However, it sound like it will be able to be fixed and no one will know the difference.

Last week was another positive week as God is so good – all the time. All the time – God is good. I believe it is so interesting how God is working in my life. When I have “downs” I say ok Lord, if someone would come to me and tell me that they were feeling the way I am feeling right now, what would I tell them. And then I work on doing exactly that and it sure has helped. It all kind of reminds me of Psalm 27:4 which reads: “One thing I ask… that is what I seek: that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, to gaze upon the beauty of the Lord.” Isn’t that an awesome verse? Notice that it says that we have to do two things, not just one or the other, but both: ask and seek. God doesn’t just give it to us; we must show that we want to be in His presence by asking and seeking. I believe that we ask by the way we communicate with God and by the way we live, the lifestyle we have. And most certainly we seek by the way we proclaim our love of God and allow God to show His love and grace through us. It kind of goes along with that old saying that there is “no free lunch” to see God and be with God we do need to ask and seek. Thank you for being there, Lord, in so many ways when we do ask and seek and don’t try to take over your place in our lives. You are awesome!!

The news is over and its time to call it a day. So may your day be bright and positive and may you ask for and seek God in our life. Take care and God bless.

Romans 8:28